Tuesday, 28 June 2011

asl ble ke dpan je kte lemah ? ? . .

T.T mluyer la . kt uma da xcited nk g hafal ayat hafazan kt dpan ustazah . tpi ble da g dpan ustazah laen yg jdi yer . adoyaii lpe segala2 yer . rse cm x gat pape da . mati kutu ble dok dpan ustazah . nie la prob yg clalu dihadapi oleh myl-lia . kt uma xcited gle . ble dpan ustazah lpe pe yg igat . nie bb nervous la nie . cmne nk hilangkn nervous ble stay kt dpan ? ? . . o.O
hope ecok x cm arini ag . sj yg plg memalukn la . don't want 2 talk 'bout what is happening at sch 4 today .
i need 2 keep smile at my face . past is past . is it ? ? . . so make it pengajaran in my life . 2 brave come infront teacher .  n one more thing don't so scary . if i scary it make me nervous n from nervous i will forget what i remember to do at that time . ^_^  keep in smile gurlz .

Butterfly in my stomach . .

hehe . say what . butterfly in my stomach when my beloved english teacher ask me 2 read story infront of class today . hehe . so nervous . but nk wt cmne yer . kne la gak read infront of class . it make me brave 2 read infront of people . n i hope when i come infront i will not nervous any more . ^_^

Monday, 27 June 2011

berikan cintaku . . juga sygku . .

lagu nie best la gak . ungu yg nyanyi . first dnga kt dlm kete akk kwn . sound cm best then search kt utube . n radio un clalu gak kua lgu nie . jom la kte lyan sme2 . hehe .


Nie sume my couzin . dorg kaki posing gak . cm kte la . sme je sume cucu2 encek Aidah nie . huhu . pic nie agk kegedikan ckit . xspecially kte la . hehe . sekali sekala . hehe .x sala an ? . nyway ktorg pon de nme group gak tau .  iaitu Geng Bas Skola . hehe. bkan la . Geng Jemput2 la . hehe . kesinambungan drpd Geng Chic Kodok . hehe . xde la . group nie agk pelek nme die . yg diberikan oleh cik Myl-Lia kte la . hehe . nyway <3 this group . hope always hepy with our famili n also succes in our life . chaiyookk gurlz . hehe .

Trial..trial..is coming..hehe..

say 'bout trial . what is ur actions 'bout it?? . scary or hepy?? . 2 me it so scary . it juz like a wonderful nightmare . hehe . i dunno y im so lazy in this year . if i open a book 2 read it . i will fall asleep . juz open it not read it . so weird . if i open fb or utube i will not fall asleep . whether im so tired at that time . y ?? .a big questions mark in my life at this age . huhu . what can i do now ?? . 2 stop all my super duper lazy . huhu . now im really scary .

Thursday, 2 June 2011

sdey yer lagu nie..

2am . . best kot lgu nie . . lgu nie sdey . . first dnga cm nk nanges . . now x de ag la . . hehe . .  2am terbaek . .