Thursday, 29 December 2011

and i've hurt myself by hurting you :'(

would you tell me i was wrong ? . would you help me understand ? . are you looking down upon me ? . are you proud of who i am ? .

Monday, 26 December 2011

happy , awesome , that's what i feel now :D

wow , one more update at blog . hehe . rasa lama tak mengarang di blog . holla holli blog . rindu meyhh . hehe . hoho . haha . hari ni walaupun agak boring but dapat banyak hadiah . hehe . atleast , tak rasa the worst day . i'm glad because today many present i get . dapat duit rm100 tau , dapat teddy bear lagi . comel au . hehe . sebabkan kita dapat 8A dapat lah hadiah tu . seronok , tapi takut juga pun ada . sebab spm nanti ramai menunggu result kita . aiyoyo , takut spm pulak ! . stresss ! , pape pun kena juga berusaha . chaiyookk ! . hehe . okay that's all for today . tata titi tutu .

Friday, 23 December 2011

WOW , my result ? . alhamdulillah .

hooray ! , haha . happy ye lah . Ya Allah , alhamdulillah tak ku sangka tak ku duga . PMR "8A" ! . seronok gila , tak sia2 solat hajat , solat taubat , tiap2 malam mohon dari Allah . akhirye , alhamdulillah . syukur sangat2 . thank you Allah ! . insyaALLAH SPM nnt kte buat yg terbaik . and paling penting dpt mencapai cita2 kte as doctor . aminn . pmr baru , spm nnt lagi susah ,but tak mustahil tak boleh buat dgn baik , insyaAllah . i'll do my best ! 

alhamdulillah , straight A . i'm so happy, and happy .  i'll do my best for my next destination . 

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

tomorrow ? . arghhhhhhh !

oh my , esok ke result keluar ? . i can't believe it . boleh tak tunda lagi one week ? . hmmm , tak sabar nak tahu result but takut to know what result i'll get . argghhh ! . a little bit stress . okay , cool down . just take a deep breathe and stay cool . just pmr , not spm yet . ohh i can't imagine it , when spm . kalau spm ntahh lah cam mana . hmm , papa pun tetap nervous . Ya Allah hilangkan lah perasaan nervous nie . hope i get a flying mark . hope sooo ! aminn . 

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

i'm so excited to know my lovely result ! !

wow , i can't believe it i say it just now . h0h0h0 . yeah , i can't wait to know my own result . jeng2 , always pray to get a wonderful result . hope that so . emmm , i wanna to move from this place . but hmmmm , i just wanna to find a new friend and forget all about the past . i'm telling like a sad story . huhu . whatever ! ! :D