Thursday, 29 December 2011
and i've hurt myself by hurting you :'(
would you tell me i was wrong ? . would you help me understand ? . are you looking down upon me ? . are you proud of who i am ? .
Monday, 26 December 2011
happy , awesome , that's what i feel now :D
wow , one more update at blog . hehe . rasa lama tak mengarang di blog . holla holli blog . rindu meyhh . hehe . hoho . haha . hari ni walaupun agak boring but dapat banyak hadiah . hehe . atleast , tak rasa the worst day . i'm glad because today many present i get . dapat duit rm100 tau , dapat teddy bear lagi . comel au . hehe . sebabkan kita dapat 8A dapat lah hadiah tu . seronok , tapi takut juga pun ada . sebab spm nanti ramai menunggu result kita . aiyoyo , takut spm pulak ! . stresss ! , pape pun kena juga berusaha . chaiyookk ! . hehe . okay that's all for today . tata titi tutu .
Friday, 23 December 2011
WOW , my result ? . alhamdulillah .
alhamdulillah , straight A . i'm so happy, and happy . i'll do my best for my next destination . |
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
tomorrow ? . arghhhhhhh !
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
i'm so excited to know my lovely result ! !
wow , i can't believe it i say it just now . h0h0h0 . yeah , i can't wait to know my own result . jeng2 , always pray to get a wonderful result . hope that so . emmm , i wanna to move from this place . but hmmmm , i just wanna to find a new friend and forget all about the past . i'm telling like a sad story . huhu . whatever ! ! :D
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
My Wedges ! !
Yeay Malaysia Win ! !
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Happy Birthday Mama And Baba !
wow , sweet ye my mama and baba . anyway , hope they always be like this until they become grandma and grandpa . hehe . |
me , my mama and my sister . haha . cm adek beradek je . haha . anyway , my mama still young . bru msuk 37 . haha . love you mama ! :* muahh ! |
wow , see my sister . amboii tgl lh ckit utk kte nie ha . haha . joke2 . okay continue mkn tu ye . |
happy birthday to mama and baba . i love both of you . muahh ! ! |
Saturday, 19 November 2011
cehhh wahhhh , ,
alamakk , kali nie nk create dlm malay lk arr . arghhhh ! xsngke die knal baba lh ! sweet ye ! adoyaiii cmne nie ttbe de feel lk nn die !! aiyaaa cair nie ! haha . gatal ye ! aiyook x taiyook i miss him lh ! ^_^ . hehe . jdi ske blek nie kt die ! hehe . cmne nie ! aiyaa ! ptot ikot je tdi ! hehe . bley borak2 nn die . hehe . sweet ye . berangan je minah nie . ingat die tu kwn je nn kte nie . hehe . xpe2 bley gk klo die jadi teman tapi mesra :P
Friday, 18 November 2011
I'm Lonely now :'( ! !
now i'm feel lonely :'( . without friend , without someone special . i just think my life now not like before . always smile . yeah , i always smile , but is that a fake smile ? . that' why i always make something to make sure that my smile always be like before . someone special is always make me sad . thinking of it . can i stopped love someone !. "no Allah dah cipta hamba nya dengan perasaan . salah satu nya perasaan suka perempuan kepada lelaki . itu menjadi lumrah kehidupan ."whether it sometime we know that the boy that we love is alreally have someone special in his heart or maybe he didn't fall in love with us . just be natural ! anyway , the picture above just capture it for fun ! yeah , we're not lonely because our family always be with us ! always making us laugh ! make us happy ! just be happy with them ! they always be with us ! photo above ^^ show safety must first ! haha . ~by red polka dotz lover !
Thursday, 17 November 2011
i wanna be like her ! !
wow , so talented girl . just started from glee . then , she become famous . her voice really amazing . only a certain person have super power voice like her . she just born with a wonderful voice . emmm , so lucky ! i also wanna voice like her . haha . day dream only , haha .
Monday, 14 November 2011
i'm sorry ! !
Omg , i don't want to lies for everbody . but i've to . i'm so sorry . i just want to make someone jealous but it will make me lied from everbody . what have i done ! . i'm sorry to my cousin , friend , and everbody that don't know about what i have lied from you guys . i'm sorry ! . i'm so sorry ! sorry hiding it from you guys . :'( but i've to . when it get started , no one can stop it ! . i'm sorry guys ! . i'll always hiding it from you guys . i've to .because it can't stop like that . and i've continued lied from you guys ! i'm sorry ! :'( :'( :'(
something is happen in my heart :P
haha . what is happen in my heart right now ? . heart tell me . heart says : : hmmm , i think i alreally fall in love with someone . haha . but didn't realized who are him . emm act there have two person that i fall in love . i don't know who that i have to choose . he or him ? . if you , you 'll choose who ? . me says : : haha . of cource . . . . haha . i don't know who that should i choose . i think both cute :D . haha . heart says : : better you ask brain . brain maybe can help you in this problem . me says : : brain can you help me ? . brain says : : yeah sure ! what that can i help you ? . i always love to solve problem ^_^ . me says : : can you help me who that i have to choose he or him ? . help me please ! ! . i really need your help right now . please ! ! . in my opinion i think both are cute :D . so what your answer brain ? . brain says : : hmm , to me i'll choose . . . me says : : who , who ? . he or him you choose ? . brain says : : hmm , sorry me i can't help you to choose he or him for you . yeah , i think they just . . i don't what to say . but i hope you understand what that i'm saying to you right now . me says : : emmm , it's okay brain . thank you because you always give me a right answer . you always be with me . thank you friend brain . you also heart . ~somethinghappenisnotmakeushappysometime~ .
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Mistletoe what's that mean ? ?
haha . mistletoe mean : : a plant with a white berries and green leaves . Mistletoe grows on tree .
i love u like a love song baby ! !
i love u like a love song baby , i luv u like a love song baby , i luv u like a love song baby , wink wink !
OMG , i really miss my blog ! !
for a long time i didn't view my blog ! . baby i really miss u darling :* . haha . yeah new story is suddenly come out from my brain . haha . why i always laugh ? . like insane . haha . because i happy right ? . haha . is it sure ? . no comment -_- . ZzZZzzzz . haha . for sure i really happy because i suddenly remember back my blog password . thank god . Alhamdulillah . happy happy n happy . now i can start writing in my blog n nobody can read it . haha . i love that so much . haha . emmm , then what i gonna to say ? . emmmm , yeah about someone is alreally black in my area . haha . okay emillia , can you stop talking about him . i really hate to hear his name again :P . haha . okay highlight that name for remove it . wink wink ! .
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
smile dear :D
you say "HEY" what ur name? ? . it took one look and now i am not the same . yeah . u said "HEY" . and since that day . you stole my heart and ur the one to blame . yeahh . and that's why i smile . it's been a while . since everyday and everything has felt this right . and now . u turn it around . and suddenly ur all i need . the reason . whhy-yyy . i smilleee .
Monday, 18 July 2011
i love u . . hehe . .
i like ur smile . i like ur vibe . i like ur style . but that's not why i like u . do u feel , do u feel me , do u feel what i feel too . do u need , do u need me ? . do u need u . i'm not sure u know . but that the reason i love u . is u being u . JUST U . that the reason that why i love u . lalala . i like the way u misbehave . when we got be wasted . but that not why i love u . and how u keep ur cool , when i am complicated . but that not why i love u . yeahhh . JUST U my darling love . is u being u . I LOVE U FOREVER ! ! ! . i 'll never n ever stop thinking of u .
Thursday, 14 July 2011
aq inginkn dirimu . .
aq iginkn dirimu . . dtg dan temui aq . . kn ku kata kn padamu aq sgt mencintai . .
Monday, 11 July 2011
thx awk for everything . .
awk just want to say thx because gave me a sweet memory about how live couple . i really appreciate it . but sometimes i don't know want to say what anymore . went i wanted to stop thinking about you . you will apperance in my dream . huh ! . i hate it . awk why you always fresh in my mind ? . went i listening to a sad song i just want to cry . because all song like "memerli je" about break from couple . grr . why you ask for couple with me ? . then you want to break off with me ? . why you make me like this awk ? . awk know that i'm really aching and hurting now . why awk ? . please don't lies to me awk . tell me the true . i will accept it when you tell me the true . and i will try to understand it . but it already past . thx for everything awk . thx for love me . and hurting my heart awk .
it's same like my situation now .
this word no meaning anymore for me . just keep it as sweet memory that was happened between me and him at my 14 to 15th age . still younger . and can't see true love yet . maybe somebody else that god create for me is not apperance yet . so we just wait for it . maybe someday i will see my true love . 15th at this stage age . love just "monkey love" . after we graduate or has a great job we will find our true love . right , right ? . hehe . so make sure study well and get excellent result . to make sure my ambition come true . to be a number one doctor that "pakar dlm bidang dermatologi" . chaiyyoook darling ! .
mistake . .
about 1 week i'm single . without him n with him just same . no different that i can observe . but i miss him so much . i really afraid to say about couple . is it true that he left me because he has somebody else that he love? .this questions always in my mind . i can't stop think about it . but he always say that his love just for me . maybe he just say it on he mouth but don't mean it in his heart . right ? . yeahhh . but i'm happy too . because now i'm single . i think single is the best . we don't need to be afraid n jealous with our couple too . what that my beloved mama n abah say was right . he just want to play love with me . sometime i just want to say "menyesal kte knal awk" ! . even today , i was wandering ,day has passed again n again . i need to be patient n accept it . you know that my heart is hurting . maybe it's my mistake love you more than you love me . how much longer must i cry . you lies to me to wait for you . you know that my heart is aching . you can't just ignore and laugh like that . it's my mistake for not making you love me more . even though it could be my mistake . that's ok ! . as long as you're there . always . please forgive me for being like this . who loved you .
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
asl ble ke dpan je kte lemah ? ? . .
T.T mluyer la . kt uma da xcited nk g hafal ayat hafazan kt dpan ustazah . tpi ble da g dpan ustazah laen yg jdi yer . adoyaii lpe segala2 yer . rse cm x gat pape da . mati kutu ble dok dpan ustazah . nie la prob yg clalu dihadapi oleh myl-lia . kt uma xcited gle . ble dpan ustazah lpe pe yg igat . nie bb nervous la nie . cmne nk hilangkn nervous ble stay kt dpan ? ? . . o.O
hope ecok x cm arini ag . sj yg plg memalukn la . don't want 2 talk 'bout what is happening at sch 4 today .
i need 2 keep smile at my face . past is past . is it ? ? . . so make it pengajaran in my life . 2 brave come infront teacher . n one more thing don't so scary . if i scary it make me nervous n from nervous i will forget what i remember to do at that time . ^_^ keep in smile gurlz .
hope ecok x cm arini ag . sj yg plg memalukn la . don't want 2 talk 'bout what is happening at sch 4 today .
i need 2 keep smile at my face . past is past . is it ? ? . . so make it pengajaran in my life . 2 brave come infront teacher . n one more thing don't so scary . if i scary it make me nervous n from nervous i will forget what i remember to do at that time . ^_^ keep in smile gurlz .
Butterfly in my stomach . .
hehe . say what . butterfly in my stomach when my beloved english teacher ask me 2 read story infront of class today . hehe . so nervous . but nk wt cmne yer . kne la gak read infront of class . it make me brave 2 read infront of people . n i hope when i come infront i will not nervous any more . ^_^
Monday, 27 June 2011
berikan cintaku . . juga sygku . .
lagu nie best la gak . ungu yg nyanyi . first dnga kt dlm kete akk kwn . sound cm best then search kt utube . n radio un clalu gak kua lgu nie . jom la kte lyan sme2 . hehe .
Nie sume my couzin . dorg kaki posing gak . cm kte la . sme je sume cucu2 encek Aidah nie . huhu . pic nie agk kegedikan ckit . xspecially kte la . hehe . sekali sekala . hehe .x sala an ? . nyway ktorg pon de nme group gak tau . iaitu Geng Bas Skola . hehe. bkan la . Geng Jemput2 la . hehe . kesinambungan drpd Geng Chic Kodok . hehe . xde la . group nie agk pelek nme die . yg diberikan oleh cik Myl-Lia kte la . hehe . nyway <3 this group . hope always hepy with our famili n also succes in our life . chaiyookk gurlz . hehe . coming..hehe..
say 'bout trial . what is ur actions 'bout it?? . scary or hepy?? . 2 me it so scary . it juz like a wonderful nightmare . hehe . i dunno y im so lazy in this year . if i open a book 2 read it . i will fall asleep . juz open it not read it . so weird . if i open fb or utube i will not fall asleep . whether im so tired at that time . y ?? .a big questions mark in my life at this age . huhu . what can i do now ?? . 2 stop all my super duper lazy . huhu . now im really scary .
Thursday, 2 June 2011
sdey yer lagu nie..
2am . . best kot lgu nie . . lgu nie sdey . . first dnga cm nk nanges . . now x de ag la . . hehe . . 2am terbaek . .
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
they are my bff. . n dorg mmg teman yg terbek dri ladang. . syg dorg sgt2. . hope our friendship akn berkekaln. . ooo. . seblom terlpe nme group ialah chick kodok. . not cekodok. . but bnyi cme sme an. . hehe. .yg tdung htam fana n yg tdung putih kt blkng 2 yaqhazah. . unik an nme yaqhazah. . n sorg ag yg wt peace 2 mira. . but cian mira face die x nmpk la. . adoyai bru first time bley take pic together cmne mira yer face xnmpk lak. . sabo jela. . nxt time harus pstikn semua mke member chick kodok been see. .^_^ . .
nothin' on u..
jay park. . miss him. . da lme xdnga psal jay park. . wlaupon jay park not anymore wit 2pm. . but he still the best rapper n dancer. . pape pon need 2 support him. . chaiyokk. . jay park. .
adoyai. . malu yer. . segan yer. . mcm mne nk berdpn nan dorg nie. . x mampu la nk jmpe dorg ag. . perasaan malu n segan still menjadi persoalan yer skrg. . adoyai. . somebody. . i need ur help. . plz. .
Friday, 22 April 2011
Like usually..saturday still school form 3 no more holiday in saturday..only on n 4 rest from tired..everday go 2 school feel juz wanna 2 sad..coz can't focuz 100% with what my teacher teach infront of class..(T_T)
yeppppyyyy!!!!.. hepy coz i got 14/15 mark in oral test..hepy yer yg xterkte..hehe..but at d'same time still hope 15/15..hehe..tpi alhamdullilah la dpt 14/15..hope taon dpn i can do all d'best 4 my oral test n get d'full mark..insyaALLAH..
Monday, 28 March 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
Bosanyer..nothin' to do now..i think better i go to sleep now..tomorow gonna go to school..bbye2..
Monday, 21 March 2011
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